What is Osteopathy?
Osteopathy is the art, science and philosophy of detecting and correcting interferences in the body’s natural ability to self-heal, it is therefore potentially capable of so much more than simply providing symptomatic relief to sufferers of backache.
Osteopathic Treatment rationale is based on scientific knowledge which states that the nervous and circulatory systems control the function of the entire body, including all the cells, tissues, muscles and organs as well as the skeletal system. Osteopathy is also derived from a mechanical model which dictates that each area has a knock-on effect to every other local or global structure, so an impact or issue in one area can frequently show it’s self anywhere else within the body.
For example, imagine that you have just twisted your ankle, instinctively you will alter your walking style or gait to take the pressure off and therefore reduce the local pain. What is wrong with that you may ask? Well, this altered foot and ankle posture will create an increase in workload for the other surrounding structures, so there is every chance that this mechanical shift will shunt the problem up and your low back will most likely feel the brunt of this perambulatory asymmetry.
How can we help?

Structural & Classical Osteopathic Treatment
Structural Osteopathy: is probably the most well-known approach within the Osteopaths toolbox, and comprises of the physical techniques within our armoury …

Cranial and Functional Osteoapthic Treatment
Osteopaths are taught a wide variety of treatment methods and techniques, ranging from ‘high velocity thrust’ techniques, which often create …

Stress Consultant and Sanomentology
What is a Stress Consultant? A Stress Consultant is a trained professional who supports patients and clients understand and deal with their …

Sports Therapy and Exercise Rehabilitation
Sports Therapy: incorporates; sports massage, muscle stretches, cupping therapy, kinesio taping and exercise rehabilitation plus prescribed …
Romney Marsh Osteopaths Explain
Why visit an Osteopath?
We all experience pain, perhaps; occasionally, recurrently or regularly. But, often, given a few days or weeks of taking things easy, mechanical trauma induced pain levels tend to subside. However, active pain or not it is very worthwhile considering booking an appointment with your Osteopath so that they can address any underlying restrictions to reduce your chance of experiencing a future flare up.
We all experience pain, perhaps; occasionally, recurrently or regularly. But, often, given a few days or weeks of taking things easy, mechanical trauma induced pain levels tend to subside. However, active pain or not it is very worthwhile considering booking an appointment with your Osteopath so that they can address any underlying restrictions to reduce your chance of experiencing a future flare up.
Every day, often without even realising it, people suffer from stresses and strains which may upset their delicate mechanical balance and trigger pain, such as:
- Physical – accidents/falls, poor/repetitive posture, lack of exercise,
- Emotional – lifestyle, pressure of work/home,
- Chemical – poor diet, drugs/alcohol, dehydration, allergens/pollutants.
- These three forms of stress may either create, or compound existing vertebral lesions, or lead to organic dysfunction, potentially producing a whole range of symptomatology, such as; Headaches, Back and Neck pain, Neuralgia and Sciatica, Tension and Relaxation Issues, Joint Pains plus Circulatory and Digestive Disorders.
All Osteopaths are trained to locate restrictions within the musculo-skeletal system and correct them by a variety of methods; from the extremely gentle to the robust end of the spectrum. Techniques are tailored to suit each individual patient and their circumstances, thereby aiding in reducing symptoms, increasing mobility and potentially improving patient health.